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  • Taeler Hendrix

Life’s Full Of Can’ts Won’ts & don’ts!

#TaelerArmy — Some ‘Way Back Wednesday’ real talk: life is full of people telling you what you can’t do, don’t deserve, won’t achieve. Pay attention to what they say that you do deserve, will achieve, & can do. Most of the time it isn’t much. So why not be the one to decide what those can’ts won’ts & don’ts are attached to? Imagine what could happen in your life if you said “F that — watch me!” Then you do exactly what you want, achieve what you dreamed, & get what your hard work deserves. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Don’t care who says you can’t & won’t make it. Drown out the negative noise. Unless, you want to be one of them.

#TaelerArmy — Some ‘Way Back Wednesday’ real talk: life is full of people telling you what you can’t do, don’t deserve, won’t achieve. Pay attention to what they say that you do deserve, will achieve, & can do. Most of the time it isn’t much. So why not be the one to decide what those can’ts won’ts & don’ts are attached to? Imagine what could happen in your life if you said “F that — watch me!” Then you do exactly what you want, achieve what you dreamed, & get what your hard work deserves. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Don’t care who says you can’t & won’t make it. Drown out the negative noise. Unless, you want to be one of them.

What were you told? How did it make you feel? What have you done to achieve what you want? Dreams are goals without a plan. Figure it out for yourself. Define it for yourself. Work on it yourself. Achieve it for yourself. Wake up. Get up. Show up. Perform up. Repeat. Can’t stop now I’m on my way towards my goals. Won’t stop now, I can see my goals ahead. Won’t stop my hustle now, I’m loving my life. Don’t care what others say I’m doing this my way — my success. Be cautious to not fall into the fad of haters be my motivators. That’s a slippery slope in a rainstorm. Have your own why. Drown out the negative noise.

Can’t stop now I’ve found my love for this life. Won’t stop now, I’ve got the guts to see me to my goals. I Don’t ever listen to their noise, I’ve got the gumption to continue on my life’s success & see it through. What about you? Do you have the love, guts, & gumption to turn those can’ts won’ts & don’ts around? In the future, on the very last ‘Way Back Wednesday’ of your life, will you be able to look back & be proud of what you did with the time given to you? Life’s full of can’ts won’ts & don’ts — but there’s only one y-o-u.

“All you need is love, guts, & gumption…” — Taeler Hendrix

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